The purpose of this page is:
So that other users will know about handles of regulars that may not be online
24 hours, 7 days a week
And to avoid any conflict or confusion that may arise
When two users share the same handle
For now, let's take some time out to....
Details about this page... 1. Established Chatters aka Regulars will get their handles on this list. 2. A Regular handle belongs to someone that BRAK (or one of his staff) have seen before. 3. A Regular is defined by at someone visits the chat regularly, and been around at least 1 week. 4. And that person chats with that specific handle, and has been seen on different days. 5. DON'T E-mail BRAK with requests to be on this list, as regulars are NOT made overnight. 6. Regulars will be added to the list and requests can be made IN the chat. 7. Even though a request may be made, it is up to BRAK's discretion to decide if they're a regular. 8. STAFF can only suggest a name to be a regular, and put it in queue for BRAK to check 9. The fastest way to be a regular is to chatting for seven straight days 10. This page is not instantly updated, so be patient if you were to be added. 11. When choosing a handle, adding a number to the back, like Brak #42 is okay. 12. Handles -may- be removed from here due to prolonged absence or inactivity of the regular. 13. Imp = Intentional impersonation of another chatter without their consent, after warnings. 14. Imps are usually malign, with EVIL intent. If the user appears harmless, don't make threats. 15. New chatters with another's handle should be informed -nicely- of the handle conflict. 16. Don't accuse another chatter of being an imp without asking them to change their handle first. 17. Gentle suggestion (such as offering the handle of Brak #42) should be made to the user. 18. Please allow adequate time (15 minutes) for the change, due to slow connections. 19. After the 15 minutes have passed, you may then ask for assistance from STAFF 20. Make a new user feel welcome at the chat, regardless of their first choice of handle. |
Baloney Sandwich Beans Black Widow BRAK Brak #2 Brak Attack Brakian, The BrakJack Braklover Brakmann Brak’s Evil Twin Brak's Long Lost Twin Brother BrakStoney Briksha Taus Chad Ghostal Creature King Evil Funseeker EVIL LORD BRAK Jan Jayce Leonard Ghostal Mantis of the Apocalypse Metallus Minkey Boodle Mighty Sisto Moltar Mr. Mojo Risin' Sorceror Space Fool Space Ghost Space Ghost Says Tansut Zingor Zorak, the Cool Mantis |
007 1/2 Man, 1/2 Pie Akemi Alec Sander 555 Alex (Ghost Luxem) Alicia Alkanet Almighty Soap Lady Ami Anakin Skywalker Angel Angel ChibiChibi Angel Dust Arashi Artemis Ashleigh Asuka Axer Azure Smile Baladar54 Batman(tis) Big Brain Big Ogre Billie Birdie Belldandy B'hala Black Lady BlueGlaze Bombalurina Bobus Bostic Brian Brica Bulbasaur Bulma Bunnie Rabot Butterfly Princess Cait Sith Caitlin Fairchild Cap'n Pinky CandleJack #2 CandleJane Cara Cat Cid Highwind Cham Cham Chaos Char Charisma Charity Chibi Chibi Treble Chito Companion Zoe Corey Crowley Crystal Culex Cyamu Cyamu Cyan Cybergirl Daisy Dap Dark Lawyer Dark One (Lord of Spam) Dark Storm Darius Slasher Darioken Dave Dawnish Deacon Frost Death Deed Demeter Drew Diablo Domino Double D Dr. Arliss Loveless dr. bob Drakons Drew Drone Dusty EG Foxfire Elly Emiko Emiko Kawasaki Erin Eternal Sailor Moon Eudial Eva Lemon Fei Fong Wong Felicia Floating Strudle Flying Toaster Fragile Gabrielle Galadriel Gamer Gatomon Genji Ghost Gogran Gohan Goldfish GooGirl Gothic Ciseal GwenGurl Griswald Growly Guido Anchovy Gun Fox Gwen Harley Quinn Hammer |
Hana Hellboy Holly Pikachu Homer Simpson 42 Hope Iria James Bond Jay Jed En-lai Jedi Jemima Jervis Jesse Jesty Jin Kazama Johnny Bravo Johnny Lightning JSG Jubei Julie Jupiter Kaneda Kara Katie Holmes Kawaii Aeris Khyron Kid Rock Kiiro Kiki Kira KK Kodachi Krillin Kron Lady Blade Lady Kaiser Lady Karen Lady Kirsten Lady Lita Lady Mandark Lady Tiara Lain Iwakuraa LeeLoo Lemon Wedge Lilli Lugia Lita 2 Lita DeArmond Liz Liza Armstrong Locke Locke Cole Lum Luna Lord Ares Lord Darien Lord Of Plastic Owls Lost One Lutheran13 Macavity Majin Vegeta Makoto Makoto Kino Maks Malachite Mandrake Mandy32 Mariah Marlene Wallace Mars Bars Martian Girl Maxwell Maybeth (MB) MechaSonic Medula (MD) Meowsis MercuryMoon Merlin Methusala Mew Mew Michael Miffy Mika Meow Mike Nelson Mina Minako Aino Minako-chan Miss Mistress 9 Misty Brown Moe Mentum Monkey Man Mr. B33f Mr. Mistoffelees Mr. Newts Ms. Demon Mungojerrie Munkustrap Muramasa Musashi Mustafa Mystique Nekobus New Radical Nice Guy Nifty Nightwing Octavia Pai Pan Penny, D.S.R Piccolo Pikachu Polly Ester Prince Charming Prince Egypt |
Prince Vegeta Princess Esmeraude Princess Fillet Princess Leigh Princess Wolf Psycho Chrono Psycho Hippi Psyduck Puar Queen Amidala Queen of Freaks Rob Queen Serenity Quiggz Radditz Rana the Frog Girl Red Mosquito Rei Rei Ayanami Relm Rob Robwad Robyn RPL Rum Tum Tugger Ruri Ryoga Sagitarious (Saggy) Samus Sailor ChibiMoon Sailor Ghost Sailor Iron Mouse Sailor Jupiter Sailor Mars Sailor Mercury Sailor Moon (Suzy CP) Sailor Moon 13 Sailor Neptune Sailor Pluto Sailor Saturn Sailor Venus Sailor X Sakura-chan Sara Pezzini Satsuka Scentless Apprentice Seifer Sephiroth Serena (Meatball Head) Serena 13 Setsuna Shampoo Shelby Shinji Ikari 2 Shinji Kun Shinji Tamashi Shocking Girl Silvia Sinko Sister Angela Slash Snickers Snorlax Some Girl Person Sonic Bond Sorcerer Spiderman Spinal Sporks Spritz T. Cat Squik Squirtle Staci Starcloud Stasia Sting Strange Merchant Sugar Super Sonic Supreme Catatonic Surfer Rosa $u$i $ailorMoon Suzy Creampuff Tai Team Rocket Team Rocket's Jessie Tenchi Tom Green Thuggish Warrior T-Rex Tifa Tira Misu Tom Green Trunks Try Me! I Woo Hoo Ultimate Fighting Force Usagi Vegetes Vegita Victoria Violet13 Viper2 Vitamin C Vykk Draygo White Angel Wicked Lady Xeno Yamcha Yuffie Kisaragi Yukina Yurika Zarbon Zel-Ohki Zoey ZigZag Zman |
THE GOOD.... The Justice League of Ghost Planet ![]() Space Ghost wants you join up with him, and defend the universe against the likes of the Council of Doom and other space Villians. Benefits include: 1. You always win, because good always prevails 2. You don't get eaten by cannibals 3. You can't be killed or dismembered 4. You can call upon Space Ghost to blast Zorak at any time 5. A huge selection of heroes to choose from 6. A chance to give your friends who choose the COD some grief 7. A 20% discount on the glow in the dark Phantom Cruiser tub toy 8. Rides in the Phantom Cruiser The following handles are open! Blip Mr. Blinky Count Floyd Hot Dog Men Electra And ANY of the Superfriends not already taken Especially the WONDER TWINS! No application needed, just show up. But submissions (pictures and quotes) to be on the JLGP webpage should be made to Space Fool |
THE BAD.... The Council of Doom Who cares about that blabbering bullet head. If you want to be where it's at, you'll be with Black Widow, Brak, Zorak, Moltar, Lokar, Metallus and Tanzit at The Council of Doom. Benefits include: 1. Hanging out with cool villians and space pirates 2. Bringing grief to Space Ghost and his allies 3. Devising schemes and plans that are bound to fail 4. Doing evil deeds, like taking candy from babies 5. Not being killed or dismembered Non Benefits include: 1. Always losing in the end to Space Ghost and his allies. 2. Getting blasted by Space Ghost's Spank Ray The following handles are open! Moltar's Wife (Linda) Chad Ghostal Raymond Gandorf the Grinder Carl from the Male Mantis Resistance Squad Schemer ToyMaker Uncle Lars (Raymond's dad)Any other Space Villian not already taken Applications are necessary, and should be directed to Black Widow ( | THE UGLY! If you want to be that UGLY mantis from the front row, at the Space Ghost Coast to Coast Episode: Late Night....go right ahead. ![]() You's is one UGGGGLLY dude ![]() Oh! That's cold! |